Deaths in Runescape

Tags: runescape deaths osrs

Here is a list of all the times I died on my Old School Runescape account.

count date safe cause
1 2019-??-?? ??:?? No Died to a PKer while telegrabbing Wines of Zamorak in the wilderness.
2 2019-02-27 20:01 No Died to a Hill Giant in the Edgeville Dungeon.
3 2019-04-22 21:40 No Died to a PKer at the Earth Warriors.
2019-05-06 00:14 Yes Died in Barbarian Assault.
4 2019-05-15 22:56 No Died to poison from a Saradomin wizard while doing a clue step in the desert.
5 2019-05-31 22:49 No Died to Damis while doing Desert Treasure.
2019-06-10 13:06 Yes Died to a clan member while getting the diary requirement in the Fight Caves.
6 2019-06-19 22:04 No Died to Locust riders after completing Contact! but falling into a trap on the way back.
7 2019-06-19 22:11 No Died to Locust riders when trying to recover my items.
2019-06-23 12:40 Yes Died to Dessourt in Nightmare Zone.
2019-06-23 12:47 Yes Died to Elvarg in Nightmare Zone.
8 2019-07-13 18:19 No Died to Venenatis while escaping from the Wilderness after doing a clue step at the volcano.
9 2019-07-14 00:30 No Died to dragon fire while doing diary steps in the Brimstone Dungeon.
10 2019-07-23 21:41 No Died at Wintertodt right before getting my tenth kill.